Beetle Bailey Statue/Surrounding Garden

Thornless honeylocusts (Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis) underplanted with yew (Taxus x media)


The thornless honeylocusts (Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis) underplanted with yew (Taxus x media) create a shaded area adjacent to the statue.

Located near the front entrance of the Reynolds Alumni Building the statue of cartoon character Beetle Bailey and the surrounding gardens pay tribute to The Shack, a student hangout located nearby which burned to the ground in the late 80's. It is supposed that Mort Walker, creator of Beetle Bailey, and one of MU's distinguished alums hung out there and used this a model for Beetle Bailey's hangout.


Beetle Bailey sitting at his table.


When visiting the garden check out the names and graffiti carved on the table.